
Posts uit september, 2022 tonen

Bali adventures continued

  I have been in Bali for a month now, and I underestimated how long it really takes to unwind from doing to move more into being. It is now, that I am opening to this place, that I am beginning to meet people, and do things, and that I am getting more into a flow.     Mama Bali for sure is such a special and magical place. They say that Bali chooses you, and if that is so, then I am really grateful that she chose me. I had a conversation with a woman that I've met here, I told her that I was living on inheritance now and she asked me what the reason was. I said I lost my mother almost two years ago and also that I feel that one of the reasons I'm in Bali now is to heal some of that pain. She said that it's as if Mama Bali is taking me under her wings now, giving me the protection of mother earth and the loving, nurturing energies of a mother. That touched me right to my core, and it still does. Because it definitely feels like this. The energy here is so nurturing and heal