Bali adventures continued


I have been in Bali for a month now, and I underestimated how long it really takes to unwind from doing to move more into being. It is now, that I am opening to this place, that I am beginning to meet people, and do things, and that I am getting more into a flow. 


Mama Bali for sure is such a special and magical place. They say that Bali chooses you, and if that is so, then I am really grateful that she chose me. I had a conversation with a woman that I've met here, I told her that I was living on inheritance now and she asked me what the reason was. I said I lost my mother almost two years ago and also that I feel that one of the reasons I'm in Bali now is to heal some of that pain. She said that it's as if Mama Bali is taking me under her wings now, giving me the protection of mother earth and the loving, nurturing energies of a mother. That touched me right to my core, and it still does. Because it definitely feels like this. The energy here is so nurturing and healing, and I can feel it, my heart is opening, I am softening to myself, and I am becoming my own mother. And, I also feel my mother’s presence really close. She is here with me, and it’s hard to explain but it helps me to feel safe. 

I am being held.


Something else that the Bali energies are showing me, is that it is not possible here to plan anything with your mind. I mean, of course, it is possible, but when I plan something with my mind, it works ‘against’ me. And, there is always something lined up that is actually better for me, than the thing I’d planned. 

I am being invited over and over again to trust and surrender. To plant seeds into the universe, ask for guidance and then just sit back and relax. To be present in the here and now. A real feminine approach to life. 

I mean, it definitely sounds easier than it is. I can be quite stubborn and sometimes I’m still planning, but until now- I had to cancel the things that I planned 😉


Let me give you two (minor) examples; last week I planned to go to a yoga class in the morning, During breakfast, I talked a bit with a woman whom I am living with right now, and she told me about a spa close by, where they had a sauna, steam baths, and hot and cold pools. Something inside of me immediately said, “yes, go there”. My mind: “No, we planned to go to a yoga class, so we can do spa another day”. However, the yoga felt restricted and the spa felt open, so I went there. And it was exactly what I needed and such a beautiful place. 


Another example; I planned to go to a Balinese healer, a woman whom I’d heard from already about three years ago. I looked her up and made an appointment. Exactly on the day that I was supposed to go to her, one of my other roommates told me about a Balinese healer who was going to train her and also does individual consultations. Again, something inside of me said, ‘you should go to him’. My mind: “No, we planned already to go to Ibu Jero today. It will be fine. It is just resistance telling you not to go’ etc etc. But I am learning to listen to my intuition now and to trust the feelings of something feeling ‘contracted’ or something feeling ‘open’. So I canceled the appointment, and I went to the other healer, again, exactly what I needed. 


Funny story; it was more of a reading than a healing, and one of the things that he said is that I will meet someone (of course :P), and, he was very specific about the countries that this man will NOT be from. He will NOT be from; an Arabic country, Iceland, Africa, Latvia, or Lithuania. HAHA, well at least now I know what nationalities not to look for. 

All jokes aside, this man definitely said some other things I needed to hear, things that were quite accurate, and that helped me. I will come back to him because apart from some things I was skeptical about, I could feel he was honest and true. 


OH man, I am falling in love with Bali BIG BIG BIG time.  

Very curious about which other adventures await me 😍
