
Yin Yoga Journey & Takeaways

  Wowza, my 100hr yin yoga teacher training has been a whole journey. (No wonder, when it happened exactly between the full moon lunar eclipse & the new moon eclipse- it felt like we were in a vortex)   First of all, I didn’t realise how helpful yin yoga is to reaching a level of relaxation in which your body can truly relax. To bring your central nervous system to such a minimum, your body can initiate its own healing powers. That by doing this, you give a sign to your body and say ‘hey, it is okay now to let go. Whatever it is that is stuck or that wants to be seen, it is okay and safe now to surface.’ Because you also bring your mind into a different state, it is not getting in the way as much. And so yin can definitely also be intense. It can also bring you deep inside yourself and show you things that are not always easy to look at, but that want to be seen and released.     I have two big takeaways from what this training has brought me, which are: the importance of (radical)

About opening my heart

  I noticed that a part of me only wants to write something when I have something nice or good or beautiful to write about, but honestly, this is not the case right now and I want to honor my truth in that.     One of the things that kept coming back to me while being here, is that my heart is ready to open, wants to open. And so I set the intention to open my heart, not realizing at first that that would also mean opening myself to all the ‘unpleasant’ feelings that are there.     So yes, I would say a lot is happening (or opening) internally. I am feeling grief and one that is surfacing a lot; loneliness. Deep down, I know it has always been there and it is not the first time that I feel it- only now life is inviting me to really see and feel it. But I can tell you, it is a real fucker.     And I have been running away from it. Telling myself that when I do this or that, I will feel less lonely. Or when I go there, change places, it will magically disappear. Only, it didn’t work. It

Bali adventures continued

  I have been in Bali for a month now, and I underestimated how long it really takes to unwind from doing to move more into being. It is now, that I am opening to this place, that I am beginning to meet people, and do things, and that I am getting more into a flow.     Mama Bali for sure is such a special and magical place. They say that Bali chooses you, and if that is so, then I am really grateful that she chose me. I had a conversation with a woman that I've met here, I told her that I was living on inheritance now and she asked me what the reason was. I said I lost my mother almost two years ago and also that I feel that one of the reasons I'm in Bali now is to heal some of that pain. She said that it's as if Mama Bali is taking me under her wings now, giving me the protection of mother earth and the loving, nurturing energies of a mother. That touched me right to my core, and it still does. Because it definitely feels like this. The energy here is so nurturing and heal

First two weeks in Bali

I have decided to start writing a blog (It feels a bit scary and my mind does not really agree with it ;)).  However, writing keeps coming back to me as a form to express myself, show myself, and something that I enjoy doing. So, here it is, my first blog!     I have been in Bali for two weeks now, and honestly, the first two weeks were a bit of a struggle.  The energy is different here, and so my whole system had to adjust (and still is adjusting) to it. Different ways of living, crazy traffic, different diet, different rhythm, 6 hour time difference etc. It really is a big change going from a western to non-western country, and I hadn’t really thought about that before coming here.     The first few days I spent in the area of lake Batur. I had booked a place near lake and mount Batur because I felt a pull towards this place and I wanted to start somewhere where there aren’t so many crowds and where it would be quiet, in nature. This area of lake batur is surrounded by three mountain